Dokumentatschoon för Vörlaag:topic cat. [edit]
Düsse Sied beinhold Informatschonen över dat Verwenen, Kategorien, Interwiki Lenken un annere Inholde, de de Vörlagen beschriven.

Usage ännern

Topic cat is designed to automatically provide a summary and parent categories for any topical category.

Examples ännern

For the top category, containing all language specific subcategories:

{{topic cat||Recreation}}

For a language-specific category:

{{topic cat|en|Recreation}}
{{topic cat|de|Recreation}}

Subtemplates ännern

{{topic cat name}} ännern

The {{topic cat name}} template constructs the template category name from the language code and the category name.

This template can be passed the following parameters:

  • lang - the language code
  • category - the name of the category
  • prefix - if passed, it replaces "Category:" as the prefix (pass prefix= to get the raw category name without a namespace)