Modul:category tree/poscatboiler/data/Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon
Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:category tree/poscatboiler/data/Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon/Doku erstellt werden
local labels = {}
labels["Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}}[e] Wöör bi semantsche (Bedüden) Funktschoon, onafhankelik van Woortaart.",
fundamental = "!Hööftkategorie",
parents = {"Kategorie:{{{langcat}}}"},
labels["cardinal numbers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are used to count objects.",
fundamental = "Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon bi Spraak",
parents = {"numbers"},
labels["demonstrative pro-forms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that refer to specified entities or qualities.",
fundamental = "Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon bi Spraak",
parents = {"Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon"},
labels["fractional numbers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that indicate proportioned parts of a whole.",
fundamental = "Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon bi Spraak",
parents = {"numbers"},
labels["Indefiniten"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that refer to unspecified entities or qualities.",
fundamental = "Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon bi Spraak",
parents = {"Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon"},
labels["intensifiers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that serve to intensify.",
fundamental = "Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon bi Spraak",
parents = {"Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon"},
labels["interrogative pro-forms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that request the listener to specify.",
fundamental = "Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon bi Spraak",
parents = {"Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon"},
labels["nominal numbers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that represent numbers as entities in themselves.",
fundamental = "Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon bi Spraak",
parents = {"numbers"},
labels["numbers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that represent or relate to numbers of various kinds.",
fundamental = "Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon bi Spraak",
parents = {"Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon"},
labels["ordinal numbers"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that specify the ordering of objects within a sequence.",
fundamental = "Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon bi Spraak",
parents = {"numbers"},
labels["relative pro-forms"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that indicate [[relative clause]]s.",
fundamental = "Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon bi Spraak",
parents = {"Wöör bi semantsche Funktschoon"},
return labels